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1. Go to view ‘View My Cart' and review the "Order Summary".
2. Enter your promo code and apply to enter coupon codes one by one. Maximum 4 promo codes can be used with a single transaction.
3. After then Click to the "Apply Button" and you will see the total payment changed, further proceed by clicking "Check Out Button".
1. Save 15% OFF on flowers, plants (or gift basket). PLUS 15% OFF on Balloons, Chocolate box.
2. 10% OFF on flowers, plants (or gift basket) priced $50 or more.
1. 24x7 Customer Care Service.
2. Get Benefits as a Membership Program of Teleflora.
3. Quick Checkout Service (Don't require to register).
4. Email Alert Service (Get updates of latest promotions and offers).
5. Same Day Delivery Service (Valid for the US and Canada).
6. Shop Now, Deliver Later (Surprise Gift).
Teleflora is the floral wire service is a combination of local florists for quick delivery of fresh flower. Teleflora provides quick delivery service, your order can arrive the same day and your gift bouquet is made by industry professional decorators. Teleflora has a huge collection of different flowers and gift cards. So, the choice of order is also wide. Teleflora provides flower not only for Birthday, funeral & Sympathy. It also provides wedding flower decorate guide. Use email alert service of Teleflora to get latest updates of new promotions and offers Teleflora guarantees satisfaction of each customer with each and every gift order. Teleflora bouquets handmade and freshness of flowers remains while they delivered to customers place.